Mission Statement
Sharing God’s love and grace through Jesus Christ, St. Paul United Church of Christ—a diverse, welcoming faith family—invites all to joyfully worship God; pray together; exercise God-given gifts and ministries; and feast at the Table of the Lord, from which we live and toward which we journey.
The St. Paul U.C.C. faith family provides a wide variety of ministries for
individuals to explore and express their faith using the many gifts and talents with which God blesses all people. For more information about any of our Ministries, please contact the Church Office at 618.537.4991
Our Ministries
Church Leadership

CHURCH COUNCIL – The Church Council consists of 12 church members who meet the second Monday of each month. Members are elected for two years, renewable for an additional two years. The Council oversees daily operations of the church, including core missions, budget, finances, building maintenance and personnel.
BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (BCE) – The BCE consists of six church members who meet regularly throughout the year. BCE is responsible for providing Christian education programs, for planning Rally Day, the kick-off of the Christian education year, Christmas pageants, Easter programs and other events relating to Christian education. BCE also supports the Lebanon Community Vacation Bible School, which is hosted by St. Paul every four years.
MEMORIAL COMMITTEE – The Memorial Committee consists of six church members who meet two or three times a year or as needed to oversee memorial gift funds, bequests and the Gordley Scholarships awarded each year to members attending college. To do this, they work with the Church Council, BCE, and the faith family to develop mission goals for St. Paul.
Christian Education For all Ages
PRESCHOOL – SR. HIGH YOUTH – Sunday School is available for ages 3 through high school each Sunday between services, September - May, at 9:15am.
CARPENTERS OF FAITH – This adult class is for those interested in bible study using a variety of methods from discussion of individual books of the bible to more formal Sunday School curricula.
CONFIRMATION – Confirmation classes are offered for youth beginning in the 6th grade. The program focuses on bible study and faith exploration and is designed to be completed in one year if a student chooses. Recognizing, however, that families are busy and most children participate in a variety of activities, our program can be completed over a period of time that works for the student, which can be two, three or more years. When all modules of the program are completed, the student will then be eligible for Confirmation. The class generally meets one Sunday a month and 11:30 am - 2:00 pm and students are required to attend Sunday School and Sunday worship services.

Community Dinner

St. Paul's newest ministry is the Community Dinners Ministry, which launched in the summer of 2022. The first dinner had about 25 participants, but has grown to between 60 and 80 participants each month. The dinners are held in Fellowship Hall the second Monday of each month and all meals are home cooked by the St. Paul volunteers who manage the dinners. Dinners are open to anyone interested in attending and there is no charge. This ministry has quickly become a fun opportunity for volunteers to prepare a meal, but a great way to better know the community and church members who attend. We see many of the same faces each month, but also new ones, including local college students, and those who attend are finding a new way to connect with people in town. Dinners are served from
5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Environmental Arts Ministry
The Environmental Arts Ministry is responsible for tending to the décor of the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and the bulletin boards. Special attention is paid during the church seasons of Christmas, Easter, and High Holy days. Environmental Arts meets as needed with the Worship Ministry throughout the year to discuss and plan decor. Those who have an eye for decorating and design or who are willing to work to help pull it all together would be best suited for this ministry.

Men's Fellowship & Women's Fellowship
The Men’s Fellowship meets for breakfast and camaraderie the first Saturday of each month at a local restaurant in Lebanon. They also host the Christmas Breakfast and Easter Breakfast each year and participate in other church fundraising events.
The Women’s Fellowship generally meets on the fifth Mondays for dinner, other special outings, or to do a mission project. The Women's Fellowship host a variety of fundraisers to help provide funds for camp scholarships.
Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle meets on Tuesday mornings for fellowship and to pray.

Quilting Ministry
The Quilting Ministry meets twice a week in the Quilters room. They quilt projects for church members, private individuals and for fundraisers. Experienced quilters and those wishing to learn are cordially invited to participate.
Prayer Bear Ministry
Prayer Bears are loving stitched by members of St. Paul and they sit in the Sanctuary where they receive the prayers prayed during worship. Bears are then taken to those who are hospitalized, are ill, or who otherwise need prayers. The bears are treasured by all who receive them and it's a great way to let them know their St. Paul faith family is praying for them and thinking about them. Each bear includes a tag with the following: This little bear has spent time in the midst of our congregation. It has heard the scriptures read, the sermons given, prayers prayed, and songs of praise sung. It knows both the joys and heartaches of our people, and it has been surrounded by the love so freely shared by our faith family. It comes to offer you comfort and peace with all the blessings of worship and love.

Funeral Luncheon Ministry
The Funeral Luncheons Ministry is responsible for providing meals for funerals that occur at the church following a funeral service. Church members provide help for the luncheons as well as side dishes and desserts. Help is always needed to prepare and serve food, and those interested should contact the Church Office for more information.
Worship Ministries
Liturgists fulfill an important role in worship each week by serving as readers of scripture, prayers, and lead the congregation in other liturgical responses at either the 8:00 or 10:30am Worship Services and at other special services throughout the year. Liturgists may also assist the pastor during the distribution of Communion as needed.
The Music Ministry season runs from September through May. Special music during the summer is provided by any family group or individual(s) wishing to share their musical talents.
ST. PAUL CHANCEL CHOIR meets each Wednesday evening and provides a mix of traditional and classically contemporary music.
ST. PAUL RINGERS bell choir meets each Wednesday evening following the Chancel Choir. No previous experience is needed to play bells, although reading music is helpful.
ST. PAUL CHILDREN'S CHOIR sings during worship roughly once a month during the regular choir season. They, along with other children of the congregation, participate in the annual Christmas Pageant and Easter programs. Children practice on Sunday mornings between services prior to Sunday school.
Acolytes play a vital roll in each Service of Worship by bringing the Light of Christ's Spirit into the Service. Generally, our acolytes are children in 3rd grade through Confirmation age (6th - 8th grade). Training is provided by the pastor.
Ushers & Greeters also play a vital role in each Service of Worship by greeting people as they enter the Sanctuary, distributing bulletins, receiving the offering, assisting with Communion, and making sure worshipers have what they need.
The Technology Ministry provides audio/visual support each week during Sunday worship and as needed for weddings, funerals, and other special events. Those who have experience in sound systems, computers, and/or video equipment or are willing to learn are needed to round out the support of the Technology Ministry. Must be available on a rotating basis to manage the technology at either the 8:00 or 10:30 a.m. worship service. Technicians are scheduled for other services depending on availability.