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About Us

St. Paul United Church of Christ has been located in Lebanon, Illinois for over 155 years.

It has a rich history of Christ-centered worship, support of local, national and international missions and ministries, and welcoming all.

We are a Region 8 church of the Illinois South Conference of the United Church of Christ. Visit our Ministries page for additional information about specific ministries

and church organizations.


Sunday Worship hours are 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Sunday School for all ages is offered September - May at 9:15 a.m.


**We are actively searching for a new full time pastor and hope to install a permanent minister in the near future. Watch for updates.

Our Staff:

Pastor & Teacher

The Search Committee has been diligently working to identify a candidate to serve as the next settled pastor at St. Paul, and they recently announced that a candidate has been identified.


In the next few weeks, a Candidate's Weekend will be scheduled where the congregation will have a chance to meet the candidate, share a meal, and hear them preach. A vote will then be taken to decide if the candidate will become our pastor. Once those details are worked out, they will be posted here, so watch for more updates.


Office Manager

Lisa Cleveland started as the Office Manager in mid-2024. She is a retired music teacher (23 years) and church musician (42 years). She continues to be a guest conductor, accompanist, and substitute church musician. She plays in the Edwardsville Symphony and sings with the
No-Name Chorale of Belleville. Husband – Jeff. Mother, two sons, and four grandchildren in the area. Other children, siblings, and parents in Scottsdale, Seattle, Charlotte, Dallas, and Eureka Springs. Grew up in St John United Church of Christ in Fairview Heights.



St. Paul is in the process of searching for a new organist. If you, or someone you know is interested, or would like more information, please contact the church office.

More information will be posted when available.


Music Director & Organist

Nancy has served as Music Director of the St. Paul Chancel Choir and the St. Paul Ringers bell choir since 2013. She has spent 40+ years directing music, all in the United Church of Christ, in churches in Marine, Highland and now Lebanon, IL. She is a graduate of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville with a Bachelor of Music Education and Performance degree. She is a charter member of the St. Louis Symphony Chorus, which performs with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. Nancy is a former director of The Gateway Ringers of St. Louis, an auditioned community handbell choir. She is currently a board member of the Handbell Assoc. of Greater St. Louis and has directed handbell workshops at the local, state and national level.

**We are grateful for Nancy's willingness to serve as temporary organist/pianist for worship service during our search.

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